On “A Painfully Familiar Reason for Using NFP”

Pá 28 července 2017

Record of my comment to another nice article by Melinda Selmys.

This is one of those sad places where I am afraid my voice will be completely ignored, because exactly the people who will most dogmatically insist on NFP will be the ones who will be the least likely to listen to the idea of this Protestant. Oh well.

I know that every anti-Crusader will try to beat me down with (a bit murky, in my opinion) verse 1 Timothy 2:15 “But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.” (NIV). I would think that even a woman is saved through the sacrificed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ (and yes, the word is the Strong’s 4982, “sozo” which is elsewhere translated as saved; but I am not a Greek linguist so I cannot fight this battle for too long). Let me just say that I don’t see this verse as the most lucid one.

So, let me suggest that I don’t see it as anything anti-Christian if a wife after prayers and discussions with her husband decides that her calling in life is something else than popping out babies for her whole fertile time. What if she thinks that God calls her to be a medical doctor, so after having two or three kids she would rather spend her time helping people get healed? What if she just decides that God calls her somewhere else than having babies at all (even though she wants to be married and have sex with her husband)? Are women never allowed to have a professional carrier? Also, isn’t it more important have many children the couple can bring up well to their adulthood than how many children mother produces in the maternity ward?

Yes, willingness to accept kids when they come is certainly part of every Christian marriage (no anti-conception is 100% secure, especially the less problematic ones are not; and abortion is IMHO almost never acceptable), but it doesn’t mean the couple’s will should be just discarded, does it?

Category: faith Tagged: culture sociology blogComment sin christianity marriage feminism conscience